


I Will Be Here for You

June 27, 2021

Welcome to my new blog!

I am so pleased to introduce my blog on my new Website, updated and redesigned after many years. My close friend and former business partner, a totally talented and gifted designer, has spent months working on this for me! This is partly what set us apart then and now and I am forever grateful. So, as most of you already know, my goal is to continue to refine my skills and to find ways to better serve you. I am hoping you will find my new site, with community pages and a blog designed for “you”, my Bridgeport and Twin Lakes friends, useful. Oh my gosh, I can’t express my appreciation for representing you with your real estate needs all of these years and, while others may come and go, I will be here for you. Thank you for your trust and loyalty and for making me feel that I am part of your beautiful community.